Yoga Outreach

Yoga Outreach

On the auspicious occasion of the centenary year of Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga is pleased to invite all yoga and spiritual aspirants to participate in this yearlong seva dedicated to Sri Swamiji.

Under the inspiration of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, the path to health, happiness and harmony for the individual, the family and community has been defined in the Yoga Outreach project.

The theme of Yoga Outreach 2023 is “from home to home and heart to heart”. We invite everyone to be part of project and live yoga from moment-to-moment.

Yoga Outreach for Health, Happiness and Harmony Quarterly Report

Guru Bhakti Yoga Digital Prasad

As part of the Yoga Outreach, a special digital prasasd is released every month in 2023 during Guru Bhakti Yoga, when we celebrate the spiritual and yogic attainments and vision of Swami Satyananda. This digital prasad brings inspiration to all spiritual aspirants to begin to walk the luminous path.

February 2023:


2023 Basant Panchami Satsang (English)

2023 Basant Panchami Satsang (Hindi)


Om Hrim Aim Klim
