Yoga Magazine

Yoga Magazine – June 2024


  • The Cart and the Horse
  • Three-Mantra Sadhana
  • Pessimism
  • Make Yourself Positive
  • Swami Sivananda
  • Sivananda’s Bouquet of Inspiration
  • Tools for Inner Peace – Lebanon
  • Open Doors – Israel
  • Acute Anxiety
  • Digital Addiction
  • Publications Distribution Report 2023
  • Happiness – Satyanandashram Hellas (Greece)
  • The Purpose of Ashrams
  • Mudras
  • Manas Muktavali – Pearls of Wisdom
  • Dharma
  • Vriksh Sankalpa – Nature Our Teacher
  • Awareness and Attention
  • A Village Learns Yoga – Tamil Nadu

View the full issue, with images, color plates and Hindi articles, via the options below. Content will open in a new window.
