Blessed Self,
Hari Om.
As the Bihar School of Yoga moves forward into the 2020s decade and the Second Chapter of Yoga, dedicated to the development, understanding and experience of yoga vidya, we take this opportunity to recognize, honour and appreciate the contribution of the sannyasins of the first generation whose dedication to the mission of Sri Swami Satyananda enabled the spread of yoga around the globe.
With their tireless commitment to the propagation of yoga, they provided inspiration and encouragement to all aspirants. They led the way in whatever area of yoga propagation they were active – whether through their teaching, the translation of yoga publications, the spirit of their connection and the direction they gave to take yoga from door to door and shore to shore.
With heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for their contribution, we have also bid farewell to Swami Shankarananda, Swami Gyanbhikshu, Swami Satyakamananda, Swami Satyadharma, Rishi Vivekananda, Swami Satyaprakash, Swami Omananda, Swami Nirvikalpananda, Swami Omkarmurti, Kamal Mukhi, Swami Agnihotri, Swami Prakashananda, Rishi Nityabodhananda, Swami Yogashikshananda, Swami Rishitirtham, Swami Guruprem, Swami Pragyamurti, Swami Sambuddhananda, Swami Savitananda and others.
Let the effort, dedication and achievement of these pioneers of Satyananda Yoga be the inspiration to those who follow.
We hope that with sincerity, seriousness and commitment the new generation will honour the foundation and inspiration they received at the beginning of their own journey of yoga.
Om Tat Sat.
Blessed Self,
Hari Om.
Quarterly report of Yoga Outreach for Health, Happiness and Harmony, April to June 2023, with information on Yoga Outreach programs conducted across India and across the globe is now available [here].
Om Tat Sat.
Blessed Self,
Hari Om.
Quarterly report of Yoga Outreach for Health, Happiness and Harmony, January to March 2023, with information on Yoga Outreach programs conducted across India and across the globe is now available [here].
Om Tat Sat.
Blessed Self,
Hari Om.
Bihar School of Yoga is honoured to present a project of Yoga Outreach 2023 for health, happiness and harmony for spiritual aspirants, in India and worldwide.
The theme of this project is “from home to home and heart to heart”. It outlines programs and activities for yoga centres and yoga ashrams, and sadhana programs for individual yoga aspirants, yoga teachers and yoga centres.
A presentation of this project is available [here].
We invite everyone to be part of this Yoga Outreach 2023, and live yoga from moment-to-moment.
Om Tat Sat.
Blessed Self,
Hari Om.
Bihar School of Yoga is honoured to present the app FFH – For Frontline Heroes in Spanish. It is dedicated wholeheartedly not only to those who are active in the duty during the Covid-19 pandemic, but for all who need to promote immunity and release stress.
The simple yoga practices introduced are designed to alleviate physical, psychological and emotional tension, and to help manage stress caused by the pandemic on the work and home fronts.
Inspired by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, this app is free of charge and given as prasad for the health and welfare of all.
The Spanish FFH is available for iOS devices and will be available for Android:
With prayers for health, harmony and peace.
Om Tat Sat.
Blessed Self
Hari Om
We are pleased to inform you that Bihar School of Yoga, Munger participated in the nationwide online Fit India Dialogue with Honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi on 24th September 2020.
A clip of the online interaction is available [here].
Om Tat Sat
Bihar School of Yoga is privileged to launch the Living a Yogic Lifestyle Program for all aspirants during the lockdown. Bihar School of Yoga has also launched a dedicated app “For Frontline Heroes” who are working to ensure the health and safety of the global community.
Bihar School of Yoga, Ganga Darshan, Vishwa Yogapeeth closed its doors on 3rd March 2020 and has cancelled all listed trainings, events and programs as per the directives of the Government of India during this pandemic. Future developments will be announced here, as Yogapeeth has no social media platform.
This year Swami Niranjan performed the panchagni sadhana from 15 January to 15 February. At the request of BSY, Swami Niranjan formulated the Yogic Lifestyle Program for the benefit of humankind at this time. On 1 March he resumed his sadhanas and anusthana.
Blessed Self
Hari Om
The power of hope and faith shines most brightly in the darkest of times. The simple hope of today, that life will be better tomorrow, can become a guiding light and a force of illumination. The ability to change, to improve and to transform lies within every person, and this transformative force is enhanced through yogavidya. Yogavidya is the catalyst for positive change in life. Now we have ample time to apply the principles of a yogic lifestyle in our daily routine, to help, support and inspire each other to attain physical and psychological health and wellbeing, and ignite the flame of hope and positivity all around.
For the benefit of people across the globe, following the inspiration of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga is pleased to release a complete yoga lifestyle capsule, with techniques of sanyam, yamas, niyamas, chantings, asanas, pranayamas, relaxation, japa and meditation. Please share the link with all aspirants, to avail of this opportunity to discover Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram in life.
With prayers for health, harmony and peace.
Hari Om Tat Sat
हरि: ॐ
आशा और श्रद्धा की शक्ति अंधकारमय काल में ही प्रबल रूप से प्रकाशित होती है। हृदय में पनपी एक छोटी-सी अभिलाषा कि कल की परिस्थितियाँ सुधरेंगी, जीवन को दिशा देने वाली ज्योति और सहारा देने वाली शक्ति बनती है। परिवर्तन और सुधार की क्षमता प्रत्येक मनुष्य के भीतर छिपी है, और यह रूपान्तरकारी ऊर्जा योगविद्या के माध्यम से संवर्द्धित होती है। योगविद्या जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन लाने की एक सशक्त विधि है। वर्तमान दौर में हमारे पास पर्याप्त समय है कि हम अपनी दिनचर्या में यौगिक जीवनशैली के सिद्धान्तों को आत्मसात् एवं अभिव्यक्त कर सकें। शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य, मानसिक शांति एवं आध्यात्मिक कल्याण हेतु एक-दूसरे को सहारा, सहायता एवं प्रेरणा दे सकें, और सभी दिशाओं में आशा एवं सकारात्मकता की किरणें प्रसारित कर सकें।
समस्त वैश्विक समुदाय के हित में, स्वामी निरंजनानन्द सरस्वती की प्रेरणा से बिहार योग विद्यालय एक पूर्ण यौगिक जीवनशैली कैप्सूल प्रस्तुत कर रहा है जिसमें संयम, यम, नियम, मंत्रपाठ, आसन, प्राणायाम, शिथिलीकरण, जप और ध्यान की विधियाँ सम्मिलित हैं। कृपया इसे सभी साधकों को प्रसारित करें जिससे जीवन में सत्यम्, शिवम् और सुन्दरम् के अन्वेषण के इस अवसर का पूरा लाभ उठाया जा सके।
सभी के स्वास्थ्य, सामंजस्य और शांति की प्रार्थना के साथ।
हरि: ॐ तत्सत्
The International Day of Yoga represents the international recognition that yoga has gained as a holistic approach to physical wellbeing, mental peace and emotional balance. Across the globe, millions of people have embraced yoga to attain health and harmony, and to explore their inner potential. The acceptance of the International Day of Yoga, with a record consensus vote at the United Nations General Assembly, was a historic moment for India. The openness and enthusiasm with which the world community has embraced yoga and the collective goodwill that yoga has inspired, is a matter of great happiness and joy which all can share.
This day is of special importance for the Satyananda Yoga tradition, as it marks the fruition of the vakya, the vision and the prophecy of Swami Satyananda Saraswati, when in 1963 he proclaimed: “Yoga will emerge as a mighty world culture and change the course of world events.”
For the occasion of the fifth International Day of Yoga, Bihar School of Yoga has produced a brochure outlining the program which will be conducted in the homes and villages of Munger, the City of Yoga. This program can be viewed here in Hindi and English.
On 21 st June 2019, Bihar School of Yoga was selected for the Prime Minister’s Award for Outstanding Contribution for Promotion and Development of Yoga, in the national institution category. It is with great pleasure that we share the news of this award bestowed in recognition of the work of Bihar School of Yoga.
While the award has been given to Bihar School of Yoga, the real recipients are Sri Swami Sivananda and Sri Swami Satyananda, the spiritual luminaries who had the vision of yoga, and dedicated their lives to the realization of that vision. The seed of yoga vidya that Sri Swami Satyananda sowed in Munger over fifty years ago, today has brought forth a bountiful harvest, providing spiritual and yogic sustenance to countless thousands across the globe.
We recognise and appreciate the effort, enthusiasm and commitment of yoga aspirants, spiritual seekers and supporters. It is that dedication which has protected, nourished and watered the seed of yoga vidya. Over the decades Sri Swamiji’s vision has become a reality in the lives of many, who have been inspired to apply the yoga teachings in their own lives, and who have also inspired others.
Through effort and commitment the seeds are watered, and with the light of inspiration and enthusiasm they will continue to grow. As Bihar School of Yoga enters its second chapter of yoga, holding the yoga vision of Sri Swamiji before us, it is our heartfelt hope and prayer that all seekers may be uplifted and benefitted by the fruits of yoga in their lives.
Donations to the Ashram will be received only under the following ‘Heads of Accounts’: -
1. General Donation:
To Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar Yoga Bharati, Yoga Publications Trust or Yoga Research Foundation:
Which will be utilised towards developing and furthering the Yoga activities
2. Corpus Donation
Interest income generated from CORPUS (MOOLDHAN) FUND shall be utilized towards all the activities of the Society/Trust.
3. CSR Donation
Which will be utilised towards CSR activities.
Therefore, devotees are requested to send donations to the abovementioned account heads only.
Donations towards Bihar School of Yoga may be made through ‘SB Collect Online Donation Facility’ by directly accessing the web address:
Donations can also be sent through cheque /D.D. /E.M.O. drawn in favour of:
Bihar School of Yoga, or
Yoga Publications Trust, or
Yoga Research Foundation or
Bihar Yoga Bharati
payable at Munger.
A covering letter mentioning the purpose of donation, Post Mail Address, Phone Number, Email Id and PAN should accompany the same.