Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

1 week duration
For national and overseas aspirants

March 14-20, 2020
Hatha Yoga Yatra 1, 2

These two trainings are now full.

November 21-27, 2020
Hatha Yoga Yatra 1, 2

The word hatha is derived from two beeja mantras, Ham and Tham, which denote the pingala and the ida, the vital and the mental, the solar and the lunar energies in the human system. The goal of hatha yoga is to balance, harmonize and unite these two fundamental energies in our system. Although hatha yoga begins with the physical kosha, annamaya, if performed correctly, the practices of hatha yoga impact the subtler pranamaya, manomaya and vijnanamaya koshas as well.

Components of hatha yoga

Classical hatha yoga has five limbs. The first is shatkarma, the six purificatory or cleansing practices. These are neti, dhauti, basti, nauli, kapalbhati and trataka. The first three purify at the gross physical level, and the last three at subtler pranic and mental levels.

After shatkarma, the next limb of hatha yoga is asana. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes the purpose of asana as:

Kuryaat tadaasanam sthairyamaarayogyam cha anglaaghavam.

One must perform asanas to gain steadiness of body and mind, freedom from disease and lightness of limbs. (1:17:2).

Following the component of asana is pranayama, which brings about purification of the nadis, experience of the pranic field, increase in the quantum of prana and eventually leads the mind into meditation. Mudras and bandhas also harmonize the pranas and the mind, and they complete the picture of hatha yoga.

Who is it for?

The entire 4 stages of hatha yoga will be offered in sequential training programs. Hatha yoga is for those who are ready to expand the awareness and deepen their experience of asana, pranayama, mudra, and bandha. A practice may be easy to perform physically, but when components of breath awareness, visualization, mantras and chakras are added, the whole experience changes. The practitioner begins to move from the physical experience limited to the body and the sensations of the body, to experiencing the pranic level, and from the pranic to the mental and psychic levels. This is the transition from yoga practice to sadhana.

Yatras 3 and 4 will be offered every alternate year. Sufficient time is required for the sadhana to deepen and for the practitioner to become established in it.

To apply for Module 1, comprehensive knowledge of asana and pranayama and previous experience of yoga as a sadhana, is a prerequisite. However for the progressive stages of hatha yoga, preference will be given to those who participated in earlier modules and have at least three years Satyananda/Bihar Yoga experience.

The application form can be downloaded here.

Please contact Bihar School of Yoga for more information by phone or post. If contacting by post please send a stamped, self addressed envelope for reply.
